Quake Will Be Given Away Free To Own To Anyone Watching Bethesda’s QuakeCon


Quake II is also potentially on the table.

Thanks to COVID-19, every single event this year has been cancelled. But that’s okay, because in this case, our general loss is everyone’s gain. Specifically, in regards to this year’s QuakeCon. Because it makes it so that everybody with a Bethesda.net account has a chance to get the PC version of Quake absolutely free.

Starting August 7th, if you have a Bethesda.net account, and you watch QuakeCon At Home with your account linked to Twitch, you’ll get Quake for free. In addition, should Bethesda meet their $10,000 fundraising goal, they’ll also give away Quake II. The news comes from the reputable Wario64 on Twitter:

QuakeCon At Home runs from August 7th to the 9th over on Bethesda’s Twitch channel.

Source: Gamespot

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