PSVR is $100 off in Target’s Black Friday Sale


$200 for a VR entry point is pretty good, don’t you think?

Target’s Black Friday sale ad is already out, and it’s got a bounty of deals. Among others, both the PSVR and PlayStation 4 are $199, each.

Sony, Target

Granted, $199’s the price for just the headset; you’d still need the camera and you’d probably want some PS Move controllers. But it’s still a great deal. And the $100 off applies to all PSVR kits as well, so you can’t go wrong.

Not to mention all of the games and accessories. $15 for Final Fantasy XV and Resident Evil VII (oh, and yet another copy of Skyrim)? Score!

So you might want to poke through Target’s Black Friday ad. There’s plenty of good deals in there.

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