PS4 Spider-Man Contains Saddest Easter Egg In Years


Well at least they didn’t sell their relationship to the devil or something.

Spider-Man on the PS4 may well be the best Spider-Man-related thing Sony’s going to make for a while. Which is why it’s extra notable that one of its Easter Eggs is going to wind up being infamous. Why? For being super sad.

Around May this year, one Tyler Schultz was trying to think of the best way to propose to his girlfriend. So he tweets to Insomniac Games with a request: to put his proposal somewhere in the game.

After the expected back and forth, Insomniac agreed to the idea.


According to Tyler, the plan sprouted out of one Maddie  had for him to propose at a large convention. He decided however, that he could knock it up a notch.

I sat with it and wanted to one up it, be able to have tons of people see it. The idea then came to me to have it imbeded [sic] in a video game, one of the biggest video games.

And also, that the people at Insomniac were unfailingly nice about the whole thing.

“I presented the idea of what I wanted and we shared quite a few themes from there. It was really cool and the guy was really nice.

And all of this would’ve gone without a hitch, except for one problem. Maddie and Tyler broke up a few weeks ago. And Maddie is currently dating Tyler’s brother. Good thing the people at Insomniac are super nice.

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Because they offered to change the marquee to something else in the wake of such sadness. And after a while, Tyler came up with a good idea for a replacement. He would like them to replace the proposal with the name of his Grandmother, who introduced him to Spider-Man way back when he was a kid.

So at least it all ends on a positive note.

Source: Kotaku

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