PS4 Gets Huge Mega Man 30th Anniversary Bundle In Japan

Mega Man

You must recovah awl the de enahgee imedetly, W-Mega Man.

If you have a Japanese PSN account, you’ve got something pretty cool coming your way. Because Capcom’s got a giant bundle of Mega Man games for the PS4; holding 19 games in total. It’s got the following:

  • Rockman Classics Collection 1
  • Rockman Classics Collection 2
  • Rockman X Anniversary Collection 1
  • Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2
  • Rockman 11
  • 4 themes
  • alternate music selection

All told, that’s a lot of Mega Man. And it includes Rockman 11, which will launch on its own for $30 later this year. Granted, the bundle isn’t cheap; it’ll run you ¥13,990 (about $126). But if you tally it all up, you’re paying for the convenience of getting everything, including those extras (the latter coming out to about $16 of the bundle).

While there don’t seem to be any plans to release the bundle over in the West, don’t give up hope. If it ever does make its way over, it’ll probably cost a bit less, too, as the collections cost more in Japan. Either way, you can still get all of the games individually over here. But boy, would that be great to just have one big transaction.

Source: Destructoid

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