The PS Vita gets some love with the Drinkbox Studios game bundle

PS Vita

Posted today over on the Sony Blog, Drinkbox Studios, developer of popular titles including Guacamelee! and Mutant Blobs Attack, announced that starting Wednesday, July 13, all of their PS Vita titles will be available in a single special-priced bundle via the PlayStation Store.

The “Drinkbox Vita Collection” includes:

Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack – Designed for the PlayStation Vita as a launch title, Mutant Blobs Attack puts you in control of a hungry blob who escapes from the confines of an evil scientist’s lab and sets out to seek revenge on all mankind.

Mutant Blobs Attack Trailer

Guacamelee! – A “Metroidvania” style action-platformer set in a magical Mexican-inspired world. The special bundle also includes two DLC packs that were released for the game: A costume pack which allows you to change the appearance and gameplay statistics of your character, and El Diablo’s Domain, a series of challenge levels with completion rewards.

Guacamelee! is also a cross-buy title, so you’ll be able to download the PS3 versions of all of these items as well!

Guacamelee! Launch Trailer –

Severed – The latest PS Vita game from Drinkbox, Severed is custom-crafted for the PS Vita, making heavy use of the touchscreen for combat and the D-pad for navigation (lefties can use the face buttons for navigation).

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Severed has you playing as Sasha, a one-armed warrior who embarks on a journey through a surreal fantasy world in search of her missing family.

Severed Release Trailer –

If you haven’t had a chance to try out Drinkbox’s Vita games, then now is your chance; it’s not like anyone is doing anything for the Vita anytime soon…

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