POSTAL Redux, HD Remaster of Classic 19 Year-Old Shooter, Launches Tomorrow for Windows

POSTAL Redux, an HD remaster of Running With Scissors’ iconic twin-stick shooter where players face off against crazed, overly aggressive gunmen, will launch Friday, May 20, 2016 for Windows via Steam. When the game originally came out it courted a lot of controversy for its excessive violence. Video game at the time were still seen as things primarily for kids, so a game like POSTAL that was clearly marketed for adults really freaked people out. Sure, the PC had a number of violent games before, but POSTAL got dragged into the conversation along with console game like Mortal Komabt and Night Trap. It was great marketing as the game sold well even though it wasn’t, and how do I put this, very good.

We now live in a world were violent video games are the norm (I don’t have enough room to talk about my feelings on that) and were POSTAL once had congress and politicians talking, a game like HATRED that is a spiritual successor to POSTAL barely earns a weeks worth pf public outrage. With that POSTAL Redux has big shoes to fill because without the shock factor all we are left with is the gameplay, of which has been tweaked and improved.

With a new game mode called Rampage, new playable levels and updated visuals,POSTAL Redux gives longtime fans and newcomers ample reason to experience a modernized take on The Postal Dude’s first fight for survival.


POSTAL Redux retains and amplifies the original game’s essence; players blaze through city streets, supermarkets, scrap yards and other locales, exchanging fire with heavily armed opponents as a demonic narrator advances this psychological thriller.

POSTAL Redux will also launch on SteamOS and Mac shortly after the Windows debut, and a PlayStation 4 version of the game will release in Q4 of this year.


– POSTAL Redux launches tomorrow, May 20, 2016 for Windows via Steam
– Will launch on Mac and SteamOS soon, PlayStation 4 later this year
– Remastering of 1997’s iconic twin-stick shooter in a world gone MAD
– Delivers modernized version of original game’s tense, action-packed shootouts
– New Rampage Mode grades player performance on every level, making the game highly replayable
– New levels including The Carnival and a new ending

You can check out some screenshots for POSTAL Redux below:







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