Pokémon Shuffle Mobile Coming to Mobile Devices

Pokémon Shuffle Mobile

You read that right Pokemon fans! The Pokémon Company has announced that Pokémon Shuffle Mobile is currently in development for mobile devices and will launch later this year. Okay, so this isn’t a full fledged Pokemon game on mobile devices (that will never happen as long as Nintendo has handhelds), but Shuffle is a lovely little game in its own right.

Pokémon Shuffle Mobile is a new mobile game where players will battle wild Pokémon with their wits and puzzle-solving skills. By matching three or more Pokémon, players can deal damage and whittle down their opponents. Fans can even battle through difficult stages by using Mega-Evolved Pokémon. Pokémon Shuffle for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems has been downloaded more than 4.5 million times on the Nintendo eShop. Pokémon Shuffle Mobile will be downloadable at no charge on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

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