Pokemon Go team working on better Pokestop location opt out

Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm and has become so popular that Nintendo is losing share value thanks to its popularity. I know, seems like investors, those super smart on on the cutting edge people had no idea someone else made the damn game. The economy seems safe in their hands…

Anyways, one issue with Pokemon Go, aside from people being robbed, killed, and finding dead bodies (it happens, but super rare considering the amount of players) is that Pokestops are randomly generated within local communities. Most of these tend to be churches and art installations, but sometimes things can get a little weird.

We’ve written before about people’s homes being Pokestops and of many businesses not wanting to be a stop. You’d think have dozens, sometimes even hundreds of people coming by (I took a visit to Little Tokyo last week and it was insane the amount of players) would be great, some aren’t thrilled by all the people milling about not buying stuff.

Currently there is no way to have yourself removed as a Pokestop easily, but the team behind the game is actively working on implementing a better feature that accomplishes this. Currently, Niantic does have an online form that allows places/people to exclude them from the game, but these changes are not automatic and can sit in limbo for an undetermined amount of time. It also is a pain, especially if you don’t have the game or understand how to remove yourself.

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The Pokemon Company’s consumer marketing director J.C. Smith stated that,

“When something is really popular, we have to figure out the most respectful way to deal with it and make sure that everyone is playing safely and doing things in a respectful manner,” Smith said. “It’s only been two weeks since it launched, and there’s been so much attention and so many people playing that it’s tough to think of all the ways it could affect the world.”

Being respectful isn’t something you would think about, but when Pokestops and Pokemon keep popping up at places like Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Arlington National Cemetery, and even The Holocaust Museum you have some really issues. I know this game is for kids and kids at heart, but use some common sense when trying to be the best like no one ever was.

Via (LA Times)

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