PlayStation Store Shutdown For PSP, PS3 And PS Vita Announced


End of the line, I guess.

Sony has officially announced, via an email sent out to customers, that PSN store service for the PS3, PSP, and PS Vita will be ending this year.

The store for the PS3 and PSP will shut down on July 2nd, 2021, and the store for the PS Vita will close on August 27th, 2021. A support page with more information was sent with the email, though it currently makes no mention of the closure.

Notably, while you won’t be able to purchase games anymore, nor buy in-game purchases, you’ll still be able to download them if you own them. All you’ll need to do is go to the download list on your respective device.

This does set deadline for the acquisition of any digital purchases users may wish to buy. And is once again a grim reminder that digital purchases are at the whim of a given device’s lifespan. And that’s often if you’re lucky, and licensing doesn’t take it out first.

Source: IGN

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