Peter Molyneux trash talks Fable III

File this under DUH: Peter Molyneux, creator of the Fable series, referred to the third installment as a “train wreck,” during an interview with Develop.

Here’s Molyneux’s problem, according to Molyneux: “I just shouldn’t get so excited in front of the press. There’s an empirical decay between what the idea is in your mind and what you end up with, no matter what creative field you’re working in. I talk to a lot of creative people and they’re often disappointed in their own work.”

Of course creative people will be disappointed in their own work. That’s part and parcel of being creative. But Peter, you shouldn’t think to yourself “I should watch my mouth around the press,” you should think, “I should make better games. ” I thought Fable was great, if a little limited by the Xbox’s hardware; Fable II was decent but a step down from its predecessor; and Fable III was a step down from the concept of video games as an interactive and artistic medium.

Molyneux goes on to talk about his new Kickstarter-funded project Godus, which he’ll surely be dismissing in two or three years’ time, when his next game is coming out. Have we found our new John Romero? Suck it down, Peter.

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