Paramount Cancels All Team America Screenings


It sure doesn’t take long for fear to spread. It has been reported by Gizmodo that all showings of Team America World Police, a film that came out in 2004, have been canceled. Many independent theaters around the country has intended to show the film in place of The Interview, but that will no longer be happening.

All it takes is a single drop of fear to cause everything to start crumbling down upon us. What’s next? What happens when they threaten the next Taylor Swift album release for finding it offensive? What happens when they cancel Doctor Who showings over unsubstantiated threats of violence?

Sound far-fetched, well tell that to the Steve Carell film that has been canceled before it even began filming. I fear that when we as a people decide enough is enough, it may already be too late. Below you can find a number of tweets regarding Team America not being shown:

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