Paladins is Doing a Battle Royale too


Battle Royale is going to be so damn dead in three years.

Look, out of all the games that rode the class-based shooter wave, Paladins was actually pretty fun. Which is, coincidentally, why it’s still alive. That said, it’s still in Beta. So why they would decide to hop on the Battle Royale train in that state is beyond me. But they are.

Titled Battlegrounds, the new mode does the whole Battle Royale thing to a tee. Players are dropped into a gigantic map that gets fogged out as time goes on, leading to an ever smaller battlefield at the center. Credit where it’s due, they made all of the existing maps fit together in a seemingly ingenious way.

Though I think it’s safe to say that some heroes will be better for the mode than others. On the plus side, you won’t be like me, a.k.a. the ONLY PERSON ON THE DAMN CART. Because the mode doesn’t have one.

And speaking of modes that don’t have a cart, they’re also adding a Team Deathmatch mode. This would be yet another mode that favors some characters over others, though that’s probably less of a problem thanks to the team aspect.

We are, however, still talking about a game that isn’t done yet. Probably a welcome mode, but there are still, it think, things that need at least a little more attention.

READ:  Nintendo Direct 2-17-21

They’re also adding a new Champion: Moji. He’s a Black Mage little guy that rides around on his buddy, a two-headed dragon. Which probably leads to that Pluto/Goofy question with Drogoz, but we’re not going to talk about that.

They’re also adding a new Bomb King skin and a new Battle Cat mount to the game. Though they’re only for Twitch Prime people. So I can live without it. Though they do both look cool.


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