Growing up ’90s Part 1
Growing up ’90s – Part one in a multi-part series by J. Luis Let me begin this piece by stating that I was born in 1985 Anno Domini, the year of….
Growing up ’90s – Part one in a multi-part series by J. Luis Let me begin this piece by stating that I was born in 1985 Anno Domini, the year of….
Director Ridley Scott is back in the saddle with his latest film, Exodus: Gods And Lings. The film stars Christian Bale as Moses and recounts his biblical adventures. As is….
Well, that was certainly a much better episode of Under the Dome than last week’s, wasn’t it? In a show filled with so many stupid mysteries – no one cares….
So, you decide one day to open up that old showboat you have stored in the closet and dust of the classic Game Boy. Unfortunately, you find that after over….
DC Comics is getting into the Halloween spirit early this year by showing off a number of variant covers for some of their upcoming books. A number of talented artists have….
The World’s Most Popular Ninja Returns In His Newest Action- Packed Feature Film Adventure ‘ROAD TO NINJA: NARUTO THE MOVIE’. VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), the largest distributor and licensor….
Margaux and I lament the lack of stags on this week’s Halt and Catch Fire. Trevor: So I hate dream sequences. The flower growing in the circuit board was cool….
I knew it would be hard for The Leftovers to top its brilliant first episode, but I can’t remember the last time I was this excited for the second episode….
The latest trailer for David Fincher’s upcoming Gone Girl ramps up the mystery, while still playing its cards close to the chest. GONE GIRL Official Assets GONE GIRL Official….
Goddamnit. Right after True Blood course-corrected after a lackluster season premiere, it goes and backslides with an episode like “Fire in the Hole,” which besides being predictable and disappointing, had….
America: Imagine the World Without Her – A Movie Review by N. Tensen Dinesh D’Souza is a man on a mission. That mission is to save America from being completely….
Snowpiercer is one of this year’s darkest, grimmest, most misanthropic films – and it’s also one of its weirdest. It’s messy and narratively imperfect, but the cast is game for….