P.T. Will Soon be Playable Again… on PC


Bark bark bark, bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark.

One of the many casualties of Konami being a horrible dumpster fire was Silent Hills. The plan involved Guillermo Del Toro collaborating with Hideo Kojima, and Konami burned them hard. And when that deal was axed, so, to, was the playable demo for the game, titled P.T. It was believed that it would never see the light of day again.

But thanks to the hard work of multiple individuals pursuing the same goal, P.T. lives again. While neither is exactly finished, they’ll make it eventually; unless Konami wants to earn more scorn from their former fanbase.

The first remake is titled Corridors, and it’s being done in Unreal Engine 4. While it’s not finished yet, creator SmoggyChips plans to add on to the game in the future. You can download it here, and catch a bit of gameplay in the video he mad while working on it:

The other remake is by LinusPixel on Reddit. He’s gone through the painstaking process of ripping all of the assets from the original and getting them to work together in a new engine. While the files are difficult to work with, you can see he’s made some great headway just by looking at the prototype.

READ:  Konami Revives 34-Year-Old Game As Franchise With A New Sequel

Thanks to their efforts, one of the shortest-lived horror games will live on.

Source: PC Gamer

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