Overwatch: Symmetra Switches to Defense


Honestly where she should’ve been to begin with.

Symmetra might be Overwatch’s most rebuilt hero in the near future. InvenGlobal’s interview with Timothy Ford starts off by discussing lore and the current Retribution event. But it eventually turns to mechanics and character updates. And the reveal that Symmetra’s switching to Defense.

Hanzo and Symmetra will soon get remakes. As for Symmetra, Geoff Goodman revealed a new vote card for her as he mentioned there will be a ‘big change’ through the blue post. Many players have been making speculations on Symmetra’s Teleporter becoming a normal ability; what part is Symmetra’s rework focused on mainly?

We are discussing the change right now, and although we can’t tell you the details of each change, we would still like to let you know it will be a fairly dramatic change. One thing we can tell you is that Symmetra will turn from a support hero to a defense hero after the remake. Our aim is to make the usage of Symmetra even more flexible from it.

Considering the fact that the extent of her support was shields and barriers anyway, and that almost everything else about her was defense-related, this winds up being a welcome un-surprise. Everyone’s known the frustration of someone picking Symmetra as the only support hero in a match. And now that’s hopefully going to be less of a problem.

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Also noted is Hanzo’s slight rework, which gives him an aerial movement option and replaces Scatter Arrow. Which, I suppose, means that his Heroes of the Storm kit is going to be non-reflective of his current Overwatch kit. Then again, I don’t have a problem with that. After all, being able to fire six arrows rapid is going to up his utility and lower some frustration when facing him.

While the details on Symmetra’s changes are light, literally constrained to her class change, it’s something to look forward to. Especially since it’s hard to imagine a new hero anytime soon.

Source: VG 24/7

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