Overwatch: Pink Mercy Skin for Breast Cancer Research


Mercy meets charity.

Blizzard has a special Mercy skin available for a limited time. The $15 Pink Mercy skin is on sale today (May 8) through the 21st, with 100% of the proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Show your support for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation as Overwatch’s peerless scientist and guardian angel, Mercy, in her new Pink skin—available for a limited time. BCRF’s mission is to advance the world’s most promising research to eradicate breast cancer.

Not only is the skin on sale, but also a Pink Mercy shirt in Blizzard’s online store. And just like the skin, the proceeds for the shirt go to BCRF. Also, Blizzard will be running streams that will allow players to unlock sprays and icons in game to support the cause.

I kind of dread what Dinoflask will do with this video.

Blizzard will announce the end result of the campaign after the promotion ends on the 21st.

Source: PC Gamer

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