Overwatch: Hero 27 is Brigitte



Look, it’s been pretty much a given that Overwatch’s Hero 27 was going to be Brigitte. They kinda weren’t terribly subtle about it. Though somehow several people thought it would be Jetpack Cat; maybe some other day.

Well, Jeff Kaplan recently spilled the beans. And also, gave us the correct, technical pronunciation of her name. Alongside a teaser for her origin story.

Now, I play both Tank and Support pretty often, so I’m excited. Because Brigitte is basically, by description, for all intents and purposes, a Paladin. And I’m not the only one that noticed:


I mean, she has a passive aura of healing whenever she deals damage. I almost never get the kill even when I do consistent damage, so that’s perfect for me. It’s gonna be a Brigitte party ’round these here parts, folks.

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