Overwatch: Big Changes coming for Mercy and D.Va

Heroes Never Die… Except When Resurrect is on Cooldown.

Big changes for Mercy and D.Va are already up on Overwatch’s PTR. And, depending on how those play out, in the game proper as well.

Source: Know Your Meme

The old Mercy song and dance is changing its tune. Resurrect is no longer her ult ability. Instead, it’s moved to her E key, with some changes. It’ll be a single res, shorter range, and have a cooldown of 30 seconds to keep it from being quite so obstructive. Her ult will now be Valkyrie; it gives her 20 seconds of craziness. When you use it, Resurrect’s cooldown is reset and cut to 10 seconds, and for the next 20 seconds you get to enjoy Super Mercy. Her beams have a much longer range and chain between teammates and Guardian angel has much longer range. her blaster fires faster and deals more damage without the need to reload. And, oh yes, she can fly.

This will be a thing of the past. Source: Know Your Meme, blizzard.reactor.cc

D.Va’s also seeing some changes, though much more minor than Mercy’s. Mostly to do with Defense Matrix; it’s having its uptime cut in half. this change is meant to reduce the crazy reliance on the ability, as well as the cheesing that can go on with it. But It’s not all take; they’re giving her a new ability. Micro Missiles launches a salvo of missiles that deal splash damage in a small radius around their point of contact, and can be used while firing her cannons, boosting, and using Defense Matrix. Which is the other part of her changes; she can now fire while flying (presumably booster control is now entirely on Shift rather than the mouse buttons).

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All of these changes are currently live on Overwatch’s PTR. So maybe go try them, otherwise Jeff might be sad.

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