OUYA trys out $60 a year ‘everything’ subscription plan

The OUYA is a bit of an oddity in the gaming world. It’s an android based video game console that plugs into your TV and offers a really rice full size controller. While it is a console, it doesn’t compete with the big guns on the market. It is comfortable being in the niche market and is the standout when it comes to android consoles. Unfortunately, being the best of a tiny market doesn’t do all that much for you, or developers.

You see, when the most popular game of the console manages to only sell 7000 copies things don’t look so rosy. Now don’t get me wrong, Towerfall is a fine game for the system, but when the games developer says “being the best game on OUYA isn’t a huge deal,” with regards to overall sales, you have a real problem with user actually making purchases.

The people at OUYA are looking to rectify this problem. While the company has announced plans to integrate its OUYA system into smart-TVs and various set-top boxes (something that could really help with building a bigger user base), its newest subscription model is the most interesting thing that OUYA is attempting.

This new all-access is priced $59.99 and allows for an entire year’s access to every game on the service, but there is a catch. The new service won’t make everything available right away for streaming like Netflix or Hulu does, instead you will still have to search through the store and “BUY” titles like you normally would. The all-access pass also restricts some purchases as well limiting the service to items under $30 a piece. It also must be noted that in-game purchases will still be in effect even on the plan.

READ:  LAZA KNITEZ!! Launches March 12 Exclusively on OUYA

As far as we can gather this is a limited time offer, so if you are a OUYA fan then this might be the way to go. Having access to essentially the entire store for $5 a month seems like a reasonable offer, but only time will tell if new and exciting titles will continue to hit the system, especially with the rumored OUYA 2 in the works.


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