Osama Bin Laden’s Computer had Emulators, ROMs, and Anime Porn on it (Probably NSFW)

Osama Bin Laden

Any way you slice it, this is hilarious.

Last week, the CIA released a large dump of files from Osama Bin Laden’s computer. And while they scrubbed any obvious porn or copyrighted material, some things got through the cracks. And what we did get was really entertaining.

Now, it would be unreasonable to expect that all of these files were his. But, at the same time, the fact that he had permitted them to be on his computer is odd, given the hardline stance he took against them elsewhere. Especially in the Western world. And speaking of Western worlds, someone in Casa de Laden had some good taste in games:


The Abbottabad Images Twitter account is sharing images found in the dump, by the way. But it doesn’t stop at Sunset Riders, oh no. U.N. Squadron, several variants of Street Fighter II, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, an increasingly large number of obscure games from the 80’s and 90’s, a GBA emulator and games like Grand theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Oh, yes, and shitty anime porn games.

Also mixed in are videos on crocheting, in the absolutely vile RealMedia format. As a matter of fact, a lot of his video files were in RealMedia format, including viral videos, Tom & Jerry based daiperfur degeneracy, movies, and so on. Oh, and there was anime; several random mid-run episodes of Detective Conan subbed into Arabic. Oh, and one episode of Bible Black.

Osama Bin Laden
No shit, guys.

Also, for someone who hated the west, he sure did have a lot of Western movies (clearly for his kids, right?) on his computer. Just a taste; Antz, Cars, Batman Gotham Knight, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and Final Fantasy VII (presumably Advent Children). Not to mention documentaries about both him and 9/11 that he probably really enjoyed, including Loose Change, a 9/11 truther movie.

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Sadly, all of my information is second hand, since the files have been inaccessible since shortly after it was put up. Whether it was the high traffic, or the fact that they realized that they missed a bunch of copyrighted content, I don’t know. There’s even more than I’ve covered; random family pictures, memes, cat pictures, actual beheading videos, terrorism plans, etc. Now, I’d imagine most of this weebtaku stuff was one of his son’s, including a PSN account. But let’s be honest: it’s really funny thinking that Osama Bin Laden spent his off time learning to crochet, playing old video games, jacking off to hentai, and then watching movies about his impact on the West. Or Antz in potato quality.

~They say his last words as Seal Team 6 closed in were “BURY ME WITH MY MONEY.”~

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