OnePlus One Phone for $1 ?

It was recently announced that the highly anticipated phone OnePlus One would be priceed at $299 off- contract.

Sound Amazing, right?

The OnePlus One features a 5.5-inch 1080P display, a Snapdragon 801 processor, 13-megapixel-rear camera and a 3100mAh battery.

All this along with having the latest version of Android, 4.4 KitKat. It’s a pretty great deal.

Luckily, if you’re willing to give up your phone for an OnePlus One, you can grab one for only $1.

You read that right, just one dollar.  All you have to do is apply on their website and detail which phone you’ll be sacrificing for the OnePlus One.

100 winners will be selected for this special offer and after you win, all you have to do is recorded a YouTube video of you destroying that old phone you currently have.

Once you do, OnePlus will send you a 16GB Silk White version of its new phone and three invitations to purchase the device that you can share with your friends or love ones.

Either way if you can’t wait, go for it.

If you could wait, $299 phone with the specs it has is a steal!


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