Oliver Stone to make unbiased, even-handed film about Edward Snowden

Man, Oliver Stone used to be a very talented director (JFK is still one of my favorite films), but in the last few years he’s turned into a parody of himself, a radical left-wing blowhard who manages to piss off even people who agree with him. And that wouldn’t be so bad if his output justified it, but his last films were Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and Savages, which expected us to believe that people would go to full-blown war over weed, and also used the term “wargasm.” Anyway, he’s set to adapt The Snowden Files by Luke Harding.

From The Guardian:

Stone’s thriller will focus on the experiences of the American whistleblower Edward Snowden, a contractor at the National Security Agency who leaked thousands of classified documents to the former Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald back in June 2013. The film is to be produced by Stone’s regular business partner Moritz Borman, with Harding and other Guardian journalists serving as production and story consultants.

Honestly, Snowden is the least interesting part of the whole NSA/PRISM story, but this is a pop culture website and I don’t feel like getting political. I can almost guarantee Andrew Garfield will play Snowden, with the part of any conservative politician played by an actual piece of shit.

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