Nvidia Shield Portable 2 Prototype Found in Canadian Pawn Shop

Nvidia Shield Portable 2

Canadian Rick Harrison is probably kicking himself right now.

The Nvidia Shield Portable was probably the least successful of the Shield line. Which isn’t really an insult or anything; it was a well designed and built device. But it didn’t really fill its supposed niche (or said niche wasn’t large enough for it), and the line grew on without it.

Story’s over, right? Wrong. There were plans for an Nvidia Shield Portable 2 on the table. Though it never came to fruition, there were demo units sent to developers. And as luck would have it, Reddit user FwrigginRwootbeer found and bought one in a Canadian pawn shop in a small town. While the prototype Portable 2 does have better specs, you can’t really upgrade the firmware or anything without bricking it. Still, it’s interesting to see what they were going for.

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