North Korea Suffers Complete Internet Outage

Kim Jun Internet

North Korea (aka the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) is currently offline. What I mean is that the entire country has been effectively knocked off the internet and sent back to the stone-age, so, essentially not much of a change for the average North Korean citizen. The country has only four networks that connect to the outside world and all four are incommunicado.

Over the four weekend the North Korean networks were experiencing difficulty staying up, but it now seems that they have all gone out. While we don’t know the exact cause for the outages, the idea that North Korea is facing its own attacks by hackers does hold some weight.

We must also understand that this may have happened internally as the country’s own internet infrastructure could have collapsed without anyone’s help. The country hasn’t been known to be up to code with, well, anything really. There is zero evidence that the outages are in retaliation for the recent Sony, but if news did come to light, it could mean the start of more Cyber attacks.

North Korea has already made threats that the United States will face some “serious consequences” if any attacks are made against it in retaliation to the Sony hacking which the country still denies any involvement in. We will keep you updated as this story develops.

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