Nintendo’s ‘Miitomo’ app adds chat support and more in latest update

Send private messages, customize rooms and share in more ways than ever before

When Nintendo’s first smart-device app, Miitomo, launched in March, it set the stage for future mobile games like the upcoming Super Mario Run. The social app has now received a major update that adds even more ways for players to express themselves and communicate with friends and is out now.

After downloading the free update, users can start sending private messages to any of their friends who also have the Miitomo app, customising their in-game Mii character’s room with things like posters and Nintendo-themed wallpaper and sharing their answers and outfits with even more Miitomo users.

Here are some of the new things users can do after downloading the free Miitomo update:

  • Private messages: After downloading the update, users can send private messages to anyone on their friends list. Users can set the expression of their Mii, and either a user’s main Mii character or a Sidekick Mii will personally deliver the in-app message to the friend.
  • Room customisation: Rooms can be decorated with custom flooring and wallpaper, which can both be collected for free in the in-app Miitomo Drop game or by completing in-app actions. Some of the wallpaper is even inspired by some of Nintendo’s key franchises like Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda and Metroid. Rooms can also be decorated with posters, adorned with Miifoto images or even real-life photos contained on the user’s smart device. Each room can hold up to eight posters. Poster spots, which each hold one poster, can be purchased individually from the in-game store.
  • Style Central: Dressing up in the latest outfits in Miitomo is a big part of the fun. With the new Style Central feature, users can submit up to three of their favourite custom outfits a day to share with other users. These other users can browse the submitted outfits to ‘like’ them or try them on. By sharing outfits, users receive My Nintendo points that can be redeemed for Nintendo rewards.
  • Answer Central: One of the main features of Miitomo is answering fun questions and sharing those answers with others. The new Answer Central hub displays a public list of questions and answers that anyone can browse or comment on. This opens up the social interactions to a much wider base.
  • Sidekick Mii characters: Sidekick Mii characters are controlled by the account user, but play secondary roles to the main Mii. Sidekicks have their own rooms, can be dressed and can even be set to public or private. Up to 100 Sidekick Mii characters can be assigned to the main user.
  • Easier to Use: A new timeline feature allows you to see your friends’ latest answers without the need to speak to other Mii characters. You will also be able to see your friends’ customised rooms.
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