Nintendo Switch Online App Launched Pre-Splatoon 2 Release

Wii would like to play?

If you can recall back to the initial Switch announcement, they made note of how they were going to handle their online features. Well part of that announcement is now a reality. They’ve just released the Nintendo Switch Online App on both Android and iOS for free.

The app allows you to connect to your Nintendo account to view your Splatoon 2 stats, as well as buy costume items. But it doesn’t stop there; it lets you invite friends and create groups. Furthermore, since the Switch doesn’t have native voice chat, this is your only option to do so. Thankfully, it lets you use bluetooth devices. Sadly, however, the app needs to remain open and your screen unlocked for voice chat to continue running. Still, it’s gotta be better than Wii Speak.

While there are a few little hiccups with the app (like the voice chat, obviously) it doesn’t strike me as anything that can’t eventually be fixed with an update. And, considering the fact that the Nintendo Switch Online service will only run you $20 a year once the free period is over, it’s not the worst such app. But there’s room to improve.


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