Nintendo Switch Getting Overwatch-themed Pro Controllers

You’re ready to do some damage

We know Overwatch is coming to the Nintendo Switch for some portable FPS action. But along with the game we are getting a series of Overwatch-themed Pro Controllers from the folks over at PowerA. I’ve been using a wired PowerA Xbox 360 controller on my PC for years without an issue so these are controllers I can get behind.

As of this writing, they have announced two themed controllers but we can expect more models later down the line. You don’t simply get the Overwatch license and make two character controllers. The first controller on offer features everyone’s favorite sad boi, Reaper.

The next controller in the series is from every otaku’s favorite waifu, D.Va. While the Reaper one is mostly a moody black, the D.Va controller features pink buttons, thumb-sticks, and D-pad.

The Reaper controller is currently on pre-order on Amazon for $50. No word on the D.Va controller but we can probably assume it’ll be priced the same when it releases later down the line. You can snag the Overwatch: Legendary Edition pre-order right now for a cool $40. For the pleasure, you’ll get15 character skins and a three-month Switch Online membership so you can frag your friends.

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