Nintendo Power is Resurrected as a Podcast

Nintendo Power is back, in Pog podcast form.

One of the many regrets I have is that I never got hands on the last issue of Nintendo Power. Scalpers immediately descended on it, and made sure you weren’t paying any less for it than an unreasonable price for a magazine.

Not like it was an essential, mind; the magazine being sold to a different publisher was the wound that ultimately did it in, though a market shifting from print didn’t help. It was just a capstone to something I had kept up with for so many years. And I know it was the same for others. If you owned a Nintendo system, chances are that you bought Nintendo Power.

Well, there’s some good news; Nintendo is reviving Nintendo Power as a podcast. And it’s not in-name-only, either. The whole shebang is being hosted by Chris Slate, the last Editor-In-Chief the magazine ever saw. And you have your choice of ways to listen to the first episode; Soundcloud, iTunes, or Google Play Music. So get the Power!

In this debut episode of Nintendo Power Podcast, host Chris Slate looks back at the Nintendo Switch system in 2017 with Kit Ellis, co-host of Nintendo Minute, and Damon Baker from Publisher and Developer Relations at Nintendo of America.

Chris then discusses the development of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with the game’s producer, Mr. Eiji Aonuma, and director, Mr. Hidemaro Fujibayashi.

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