Nintendo Increases SNES Classic Stock; Brings Back NES Classic

snes classic

Reinforcements incoming!

So, maybe you were worried that you were going to be left out in the cold like you were with the NES Classic? Well, Nintendo hears you. They’re increasing the amount of SNES Classic units being shipped to stores. Per the press release:

Due to incredible demand for the upcoming Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition system, Nintendo plans to ship the retro-inspired product into 2018. Originally, shipments were announced to cease at the end of this calendar year.

In addition, more units of Super NES Classic Edition will ship on its Sept. 29 launch day in the U.S. than were shipped of NES Classic Edition all last year, with subsequent shipments arriving in stores regularly. Fans have shown their unbridled enthusiasm for these Classic Edition systems, so Nintendo is working to put many more of them on store shelves.

What’s more, the NES Classic is making a comeback next Summer.  So if you missed out the first time, well, you’ve got another shot. While no other word on the NES Classic has been announced, the SNES Classic will launch on September 29th.

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