Nintendo E3 Presentation

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Nintendo had an E3 that was all but desolate except for two thriving oases. Mostly due to the fact that A) they’re releasing a new console soon, and B) they tend to hold things back for Tokyo Game Show when the previous bit is in effect.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks amazing. There’s an obvious emphasis on using different weapons and manipulating the land with whatever the new McGuffin is (the Sheikah Slate). It looks to draw many visual cues from games like Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter. I’m excited for it, even though I’ll probably never get the chance to play it. Then again, I’m a huge Zelda mark.

Since the presentation was very Zelda biased, I’ll talk a bit more about it. There’s a heavy technological edge to the game, more than in any previous game, at the least. Oh yeah, and you can now jump. What I’m drawing from this is Sheikah Link and a future story. They also brought back the Old Man from the first game. You can also fill the world with fire and watch it burn with a pyromaniac’s glee. Or chop down trees beforehand, slashing and burning a Hyrule already in decline. Weapons and items break over time. And the map is massive.

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My best guess is that this is a post-Wind Waker Hyrule, judging by the presence of the Koroks and the aesthetics of the creatures in it. It looks fun as hell. I really wish I wasn’t poor.

ninty e3 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon was shown off as predicted. I still think the water starter looks the worst (grass owl FTW). It seems set to expand on all of the changes X and Y made. Pokémon fans will love it, because they’re hopelessly addicted to the franchise. You’re still going to wind up catching Pokégods by the end. They also showed off a crazy Battle Royale mode that looks to shake things up with a crazy four-way battle. And I swear to God, if the fire starter gets fighting as a subtype again, I’m done.

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