Nintendo Begins Selling Standalone Wii U Gamepad

Wii U Gamepad

Nintendo has begun selling the Wii U Gamepad as a standalone item in Japan. Speculations have run rampant on the internet regarding this new move, but it may not be what people think. Nintendo has always stated that the Wii U Gamepad was unique and that having more than one controller on a system wasn’t something they were interested in doing.

While this may be changing, it is just as likely that people are wanting a replacement Wii U Gamepad from an official source. Now that the system has been out for a number of years it makes sense that there would be users that have a broken Wii U Gamepad (broken by themselves or their kids).

We also don’t have a lot of news on the Nintendo NX console that is rumored to released next holiday season. As the Wii U did with Wii peripherals, the new NX could very well support multiple Wii U Gamepads as it’s primary controller, so beginning a roll out of the standalone device could be in preparation for the NX.

At the very least, people that got duped into buying a super cheap Wii U on eBay without a Gamepad will soon be able to play their system!

Via: (Gamasutra)

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