Nintendo Announces Their New Mario


I want a new Mario
One with elephant feet
One that always gets stuck in pipes
And causes cracks when he walks down the street

A couple of months back, Nintendo announced that Charles Martinet would no longer be voicing the iconic Mario, nor Luigi, Wario &etc. anymore. Instead, the venerable Martinet would move to an ambassadorial role for the characters and series that he’s worked on for so long.

That just left one question: if it wasn’t Charles Martinet, then who was voicing Mario and Luigi in the Super Mario Bros. Wonder trailers?

The answer? The relatively young, relatively unknown Los Angeles-based voice actor Kevin Afghani. Afghani has a fairly short list of previous projects to his name, all over the last 3-5 years. The biggest of these is his role as Arnold in Genshin Impact. The majority of the rest is net animation, mostly for Mashed.

Afghani briefly acknowledged the incredible opportunity via social media:

While as of now, Super Mario Bros. Wonder will be the only credit under Afghani’s belt, it remains to be seen if he’ll be the new Mario moving into the future. That said, it’s also hard to imagine they’d go through this process and keep his name hidden until now if that weren’t the case.

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Super Mario Bros. Wonder launches this October 20th.

Source: AV Club

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