Nintendo Announces the Switch Lite

There’s probably a lamp joke in there, somewhere.

It’s been in rumors for months. Hell, I’m pretty sure Nintendo denied that there was a new Switch model at some point. But finally, Nintendo has let the cat out of the bag. Because the Switch Lite is on the way.

One of the main takeaways? ACTUAL D-PAD. That might almost make it worth having even if you own a original model Switch. That said, the Switch Lite is optimized towards handheld play. It can’t dock to display on a TV, and the controls are integrated. Which means that it can’t actually do the thing the system was named for, but whatever. Also, the controls no longer feature the IR sensor or HD rumble features. So, you know, all those hardcore 1 2 Switch (I’m pretty sure it was at EVO last year) fans are left out in the cold, here.

The Switch Lite only works with games that support handheld mode, too. Thankfully, the back of every Switch game box will tell you whether the game supports handheld mode.


That all said, there is a benefit to the Switch Lite. It’ll only run you $200, which makes it a pretty good way to get into the console’s ecosystem.

The Nintendo Switch Lite releases September 20th this year, For $200. And it comes in three colors: Yellow, Grey, and Turquoise.

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