Nintendo Alarmo Now Purchasable By All And Sundry

A product page for the Nintendo Alarmo product

Freed from subscription only, can now get at Best Buy, the local retail desert.

Previously, if you wanted to get your hands on a Nintendo Alarmo, you needed a currently active Nintendo Online account (or pay some exorbitant amount to scalpers). That is no longer the case, however, as now you can just buy one at Best Buy.

There’s no difference between this and the one previously available through subscription. It comes with all 35 “wake up” scenes. And it’s just as fully featured.

And, in case you were wondering, it can play DOOM (get it here). Frankly, better than some of the computers available when the game originally released.

Which means it can also play Bad Apple. I recall seeing both run on the LCD of a pregnancy test, though, so that should be no surprise.

Source: Polygon

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