Ninjak #24 – Review

With Ninjak #24, Valiant has shown us that we haven’t seen the last of this captivating character; one that I’m starting to really fall in love with. The different ideas that the team are using here are entertaining and interesting in equal parts, which results is a great plot with some incredible artwork.

Ninjak #24 Review

The overall story is quite interesting. It’s not all that original, but had many surprising elements I didn’t see coming. I don’t know how they did it, but Ninjak #24 is the best issue so far in this already strong comic series!

There are a couple of scenes I marveled at, watching as things evolved through the issue. Sure, there are some some clichés here and there, but I can forgive that as everything came together so well. I would have preferred a little longer fight scene in the issues opening, but that’s just me.

That said, this issue uses the space it has well as the pacing is spot on. You can see and feel the book building to something, and I can also see some hidden potential for some story developement by reading between the lines.

Since the book keeps the fast pace and light style, the reading is very enjoyable. Everything is easy to follow and doesn’t need a lot of focused attention to keep up with. The traditional art that the book has been using pairs with a sort of experimental art in this one and that’s were the book really grabs the reader.

Ninjak #24 Review

I say this because we have the same digital effects once again in this issue, but also a couple of pages with a funny, more child-like style that makes the book even more interesting. I’m interested to see how things pan out as the series is creating an intriguing visual chain of events.

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The best part is the improvement in the panel distribution this issue plays with. The team on Ninjak have managed to find a way and make things look good even when using a lot of them on a single page. They still keep the lightness of the narration and fast pace of the story with no problem. This is one of the things that I loved most about this issue.

Maybe there aren’t enough changes in the lettering or the inking, as they both keep the very same style than before, but nothing that that detracts from the book in any meanigfull way. This is really just me trying to find something to nitpick with this issue.

In the end, despite some very, very minor problems Ninjak #24 is a great issue that will leave you wanting for more! The mix between new elements and traditional style in this comic is what makes it attractive and so captivating. Ninjak #24 may not be my kind of read when I’m out picking up comics, but… man, I really enjoyed this!

Final Score:

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