Ninjak #19

Ninjak can be best described as one of those sort of comic books that bring something new in each issue. It adds all sorts of nice surprises that build, brick by brick, an interesting plot along with an amazing world. This time around we had a Japanese spirit that made me think in terms of those Gothic metaphors about life, death and humanity. The whole thing leaves me really wondering what is coming next!

The script for Ninjak #19 was really cool and it’s becoming the strongest feature of this series. It really keeps filling all the expectations I have on an issue to issue basis. Remember before when I said that Ninjak’s past issues seemed to be built in order to create large expectations? Well, this one gives us a little spoon of what’s about to come and I really liked it!

As I said before, Ninjak provides a light read that is fast-paced and with good story development in this chapter. Ninjak #19 does not take a lot of risks with it’s plot, aside from maybe the end bit of the ongoing plot, but that’s okay becuase it simply all works well and continues to build a fun world.

Ninjak #19

Right now I’m really waiting for a truly great issue in this series as I think we’ve had enough fillers building on the suspense and plot. Luckily these have been quite good, but it’s time to see a little fighting here and there, because the two bits we have in Ninjak #19 are short –very short. It comes and goes far too quickly and leaves me really wanting.

The art was a disappointment in some panels. I’m not sure what it was exactly a lot of it just felt off with regards to previous issues on a quality level. We all know that the art is the part that takes the most of the time, there’s no point on denying it, but come on, some of those cheap-looking panels were a shame. The art really didn’t do justice to the comic considering how awesome it generally looks.

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Luckily for us, these art issues don’t plague the entire book and the rest of pages in Ninjak #19 are as stunning as always. MI’m willing to forgive some of these arts hiccups as things have been so good, but I’m still watching you, Khari Evans! I hope the followings issues can get back on track with the overall art.

Ninjak #19

The coloring on the other hand is pretty amazing. It’s great how it slowly changes throughout this issue, and the dramatic difference between the present day and the lost files is superb. The inking work keeps the same style from past issues, but it’s something I like very much and is consistent as always.

Talking about amazing,  I need to add the last page of both sequences, from the present day and the lost files, to my imaginary collection of posters. They are amazing works of art with the coloring, the tones, the high-angle shot on the first one being top-notch. I really fell in love with these scenes and the team should be commended for them.

So, to summarize: Ninjak #19 has one of the best scripts of the series, even if light on action, as well as having a couple of great illustrations throughout. It’s not perfect, but it does enough right that fans of the series are going to love it!


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