Ninja Got Paid $1 Million By EA To Promote Apex Legends

Apex Legends

I can’t floss bro, I gots the coordination of a brain-damaged orangutan.

Despite some initial sadness at its announcement, Apex Legends launched to great reviews. But it’s more than a little apparent that EA thought it might need some coaxing. They were wrong about that, but they did it anyway.

This included getting top streamers to play the game on stream and show it off. And some of those streamers mad bank off of doing so. Exempli gratia, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, who was among the first to stream and tweet about the game. According to a Reuters report, EA paid him around $1 million to play the game on stream.

On the one hand, the game is good from all reports. On the Other, EA still seems to lack cognizance of the PR nightmare they’ve spent the past year or so in. It really doesn’t look good to be paying streamers to play your games when you’ve already drawn scrutiny from a number of governments for your business practices. Doubly so, as people usually look to streamers due to their honest, unpaid opinions on games.

Whiele Ninja was far from the only streamer paid to play Apex Legends, he was likely among the highest paid. Mostly due to his large subscriber-base. Per Reuters, both he and EA refuse to comment on the matter.

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Source: VG 24/7

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