Literally stepping into a new pair of shoes.
Chances are, putting on a pair of shoes is practically routine for you. But what if it was, say, difficult for you to bend down and actually put them on? Much less, lace or tie them? Well, Nike’s new kicks, the GO FlyEase, are the answer to that hypothetical. Because putting them on is as simple as stepping into them.
The mechanics of the thing are definitely of particular interest, as they feature a hinge (sort of similar to a living hinge, if you’re familiar), as well as a protrusion in the heel to make using hat hings to take them on and off easier. They even stand stable when in an “open” position.
This isn’t the first time Nike dabbled with the general idea of shoes that fix themselves to your feet without forcing you to tie them. Their $300+ Adapt sneakers, inspired by the shoes from Back to the Future Part II, use an app to allow you to tie them without touching them. But, aside from cost, you still need to touch them to put them on. The GO FlyEase is still not going to be inexpensive at $120, but the market they’re made for (adaptive athletes, as well as people with mobility issues) is going to appreciate them quite a bit, not to mention people that like the idea of truly being able to slip in and out of their shoes.
The GO FlyEase is available by invite only right now, but Nike plans on a wider release later this year.
Source: Gizmodo