Night Trap 25th Anniversary Edition is happening for some reason

In a move that probably surprised everyone, Night Trap is getting a 25th anniversary release for PS4 and Xbox One. Yes, you read that right. This game was released 25 years ago; feel old yet?

Night trap is notorious for two reasons. The first is that it’s culturally significant for being one of the reasons the ESRB was formed due to it’s violence and sexual content. The second is that, well, it’s kind of awful.

Night Trap 25
Fun fact: The re-release is rated T for Teen. Guess all that violence and sex wasn’t all that violent or sexy. Screaming Villains

Screaming Villains is handling the port. In addition to actually shipping physical copies they’ve decided to make sure each comes with 3 variant mock-Sega CD covers. I applaud their dedication; plenty of other studios would’ve been content to dump it out as a digital download and call it good.

Aside from all that? Well I’d assume this is your chance to play a culturally significant game in its best possible form. In much the same way I’d champ at the bit to play Dragon’s Lair on an actual cabinet. Granted, you probably won’t have much fun, but it’s not every day you get to see the last gasps of 80’s style in a game, right?

Also, enjoy the song; it may well be the best part. And remember, Winners Don’t Do Drugs.

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