Nickelodeon’s The Loud House “Left in the Dark” & “Get the Message”

What if I told you that one of the writers of Cartoon Network’s Dexter’s Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls is coming up with a brand new series on Nickelodeon? If you’re not interested, you really should be. The new show is called The Loud House and I had the pleasure of taking a look at it.

Created by and inspired by Chris Savino’s life growing up in a family of 10 kids, The Loud House is focused on 11-year-old Lincoln as he gives an inside look at what it takes to survive in the bedlam of a big family, especially as the only boy with ten sisters. So when Nickelodeon gave me the opportunity to check out the show, my inner fat kid was jumping up and down for joy as I can somewhat relate.

Main Character Lincoln CREDIT//Nickelodeon

Moreover, I am excited to report that The Loud House is fun, heartwarming and funny… like really funny. Each character brings a unique personality trait that anyone in the family can connect with; from the emo to the jokester and on an on. I have to note that the sisters are my favorite characters aside from the main character of Lincoln. Lucy Loud (The Emo) is the sister that is obsessed with all things spooky and dark –funerals, vampires, séances, and only wears black. Secondly, Luan Loud (The Jokester) is a stand-up comedienne who provides a nonstop barrage of silly puns. However, these are only my favorites; I can ensure you will have your favorite sister too.

The Premiere episodes will air this Monday at 5:00 pm and are titled “Left in the Dark” & “Get the Message”. “Left in the Dark” focuses on Lincoln trying to beat his sisters to the couch to watch the finale of his favorite TV show, but a power outage threatens the household. This leads into a mission for Lincoln to getting the lights back on before he misses the finale. During the episode, we get a better idea of who Lincoln is, which is a middle child that is trying to stay a step ahead in dealing with his five older sisters and five younger sisters.

“Left in the Dark” CREDIT//Nickelodeon

An excellent introduction of all the sisters and even to Lincoln ‘s best friend, Clyde McBride, who is madly in love with Lincoln’s big sister name Lori. The standout moments in this episode, without giving away spoilers, was baby sister Lisa who is a straight up genius at the age of four. Luan is also a standout here and had me laughing at my desk with her incredibly cheesy jokes.

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The second episode “Get the Message” sees Lincoln leaving a scathing voicemail on Lori’s smartphone.  He teams up with Clyde to figure out how to delete it from her phone before she hears it. Lucy comes into the picture in this episode, benefiting Lincoln and weirdly popping out of nowhere in the most unusual places and ways. Clyde embodies our inner 11-year-old self when you have a massive crush, and it was such a pleasure seeing it on screen in a relatable way.

The animation is great and is all draw out and not computerized. I am not a fan of most CGI shows, aside from Teenage Mutal Ninja Turtles (also on Nickelodeon). The writing is fresh and yet familiar to the shows that were popular in the 90’s. This nostalgia in the tone of the show can really connect with different age groups that watch. Unlike other networks that just focus on crazy trends and forget the essence of good writing, The Loud House does not seem have that problem.

The Loud House is a totally original cartoon that joins the large family of solid Nickelodeon programming. I can easily recommend checking out this series as it brings everything needed for a good, balanceed cartoon that is missing in so many other shows today on other networks. Check out The Loud House premiering this Monday at 5 pm on Nick!

The Loud family CREDIT//Nickelodeon



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