Next X-Men film to be set in the 90s

X-Men 90s

The X-Men are heading back to theaters in only few weeks from now. This latest adventure of the time-jumping mutants has them duking it out in the 80s against their most dangerous of enemies, Apocalypse.

Sure, you’d think they would have mentioned this “major” event in the other films, but since nobody knew what the hell was going on with the X-Men films for so long we will let it slide.

X-Men: Apocalypse will no doubt do well for 20th Century Fox, even if the studio seems to have forced Wolverine into film even though it doesn’t make much sense at this time in his (their, our?) canon. And while the film isn’t out and 20th Century Fox has yet to announce a sequel, we have heard from X-Men producer Dimon Kinberg about what’s next.

Speaking with ComingSoon he stated that “the next one is set in the ’90s.” It would only make sense for this to happen as the series moves back into converging into its original timeline from when the first film released in 2000. The idea is a fun one seeing the mutants grow and eventually merge into the place of the original cast.

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