New Star Wars Movie Trilogy & TV Show Announced

The house that mouse built isn’t going to pull a George Lucas and let the Star Wars brand sit on a shelf, planning a new Star Wars trilogy helmed by Rian Johnson, director of Star Wars The Last Jedi. Over the past few years Disney has had some issues finding directors for their Star Wars projects, with Ron Howard most recently coming onboard to finishing directing the Han Solo move. So it’s comforting news that they feel Rian has the chops to handle an entire trilogy before The Last Jedi has even been released.

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy stated that, “We all loved working with Rian on The Last Jedi”. Johnson will be working with Ram Bergman and will handle directing duties on the first film in the series. This new trilogy will be removed from the Skywalker series and take place in a new area of the galaxy that Star Wars has not yet ventured to. That means all new lore with new planets, creatures and possible Jedi shenanigans.

But that wasn’t the only major Star Wars related news coming out today as Disney announced a new live-action Star Wars TV show that is pulling a Star Trek Discovery and lauching on Disney’s upcoming streaming service. So, get ready to buy another subscription service that you only use for a single show….

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Source (Variety)

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