New Star Trek series to shake up streaming broadcast model

Star Trek

Television is clearly in a state of flux. Executives are waking up each morning praying to whatever demon they believe in to cruse Netflix, Hulu and whatever the latest streaming service that popped up as I type this out.

CBS (Baphomet?) has detailed their new take on the streaming thing with their “CBS All Access” service. The monthly subscription-based platform is starting things off with one of the biggest properties the company has with Star Trek.

The franchise has been on nearly every streaming platform already, but CBS is using “CBS All Access” to launch an all new Star Trek television series. Sci-fi fans have been clamoring for a new series for years and CBS has finally found a reason to bring Star Trek, in its television form, out from mothballs.

But the new series is trying new things by being exclusive to the CBS All Access service. Sure, that isn’t a wild idea, but CBS will not be dumping an entire season on the service, instead opting to release an episode a week like it would on television, you know, like we don’t want.

The magic thing about television like programming on Netflix is that we can binge watch a series when it releases. This style is so important that “binge watching” has quickly become a sort of cultural thing in a very short amount of time.

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At $6 a month the CBS All Access service isn’t a bad deal, but with only Star Trek to capture fans at its outset, it might be a tough sell for non nerdy fans. The idea is that this weekly format will keep paying customers as a full season of the show will no doubt last a few months. This also gives CBS time to roll out additional content.

We will see how all this works soon as this new Star Trek series will debut in January 2017.

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