New Overwatch Cinematic “Rise and Shine”

Mei = bae

Our cup runneth over! That in-engine Junker short, fun as it was, wasn’t the last of the Overwatch fun this month. Because today, Blizzard released a new cinematic short: Rise and Shine.

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Why is this frost demon so cute? Blizzard

It details what happened to Mei that time she was frozen for 9 years and all of her friends died. I’m sorry, that’s really reductive of me. Especially since the short has a lot of emotional engagement. I’m just salty because I frequently get assassi-Mei-ted.

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Probably a lot nestled into this part. Also, datass.jpg Blizzard
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You know, her horror here is kinda diminished by the number of times I’ve been frozen solid and icicled in the face to death. Blizzard

That all said? Overwatch’s cinematic shorts could easily give some of the big studios a run for their money when it comes to 3D animation. I’ll just say it; this is the best 3D animated anything this month.

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Murky mug! Shaped mugs are always a pain to clean. I don’t know why I brought that up. Blizzard
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Watch as she builds the instrument of your torment. Blizzard

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