New Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Footage Unleashed

Arkham Knight

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today released the first of three new gameplay videos from Batman™: Arkham Knight, which features Batman learning about his new foe the Arkham Knight as he enters ACE Chemicals.

The video, titled The Official Batman: Arkham Knight – Ace Chemicals Infiltration – Pt. 1, highlights new game features including the new Fear Takedown manoeuvre, as well as the seamless integration of the Batmobile into gameplay and Combat Mode. Watch as Batman takes on Arkham Knight’s henchmen to rescue the remaining ACE Chemicals plant workers and stop Arkham Knight from executing The Scarecrow’s plans.

We had the chance to catch this trailer during E3 this year and got the chance to see one of the developers play and walk us through this Ace Chemicals section. Needless to say, we were pretty impressed by what we saw in person. Sure, it’s nothing more than a demo at this point, but it sure does get the juices flowing and we can’t wait to get our hands on the final product. You can check out the full trailer below.

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