Netflix’s Black Mirror Marketing Freaks Out Users

Black Mirror

We learned nothing from Mr. Robot.

2017 couldn’t expire without one last viral marketing blunder. In this case, marketing for the Netflix show Black Mirror on Reddit in Turkey.

Late last Thursday night, Users got a strange DM from an account named “iamwaldo”. Naturally, this left many of them anxious and paranoid. What’s worse, that was the entire point of the campaign.

It was a direct reference to a part in a season 2 episode “The Waldo Moment“. According to Turkish publication The Daily Sabah, the message read:

We know what you’re up to. Watch and see what we will do.

While fans of the show were amused by the reactions (as they would be), others weren’t terribly enthused. Which is no surprise; dropping the dystopic themes of Black Mirror into your viral marketing campaign is not likely going to win too many viewers to your show.

Source: Gizmodo

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