Netflix will Run the Terrible Reboot Reboot

Reboot: The Guardian Code

Everything is NOT alphanumeric.

Oh man, remember how we were told we would get a reboot of Reboot? The classic 90’s Saturday morning cartoon that was literally the first show done entirely in Computer Animation? Let’s see how that’s doing, the trailer for Reboot: The Guardian Code dropped a little while ago.

Shit man, I don’t know what that was, but it sure as fuck wasn’t Reboot! Sure, there’s zipboards, and Megabyte, and I guess the real kids are the Guardians. But it’s Reboot in name only, because it’s so divorced from what made that show what it was that it may as well be a different thing entirely! As a matter of fact, in concept, it’s reminding me of an entirely different mixed-media series about kids that go into a computer and fight a villain.

Reboot The Guardian Code
Pan Pizza said exactly what I was thinking…
…the only difference is, we can’t fit the entire theme song on their foreheads sixheads.

I mean, what the hell was wrong with the original concept of computer jokes, parody, and adventure? I guess everything, because now we’re getting fuckin’ VR Troopers or some shit.

Also, as an aside, how the hell does resurrecting a positively ancient virus help you take over the world? Best case scenario, you’re ruining the day of a bunch of bureaucrats. Which is less villainy and more heroism, am I right, people?

I’m not watching Reboot: The Guardian Code, Netflix. I refuse. I REFUSE!!!

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