Netflix Tests Out “TV Channel” For Indecisive Viewers


When you and your girl are 30 minutes in to “Netflix and Chill” and she gets indecisive.

Netflix is known for the breadth of their available programming. But maybe, you don’t know what to watch, and going through The Office for the umpteenth time doesn’t hold the luster it once did. Well, Netflix has a plan for that in the testing phase. Well, at least, as long as your’re in France.

French users have the opportunity to test out Netflix Direct. Direct works like a normal TV channel, streaming some of Netflix’s most popular shows in real time, no rewind. They launched it in parts of France on Thursday, with plans to roll it out across the country by early December.

Per their press release:

In France, watching traditional TV remains hugely popular with people who just want a “lean back” experience where they don’t have to choose shows. 

So we’re trying a new feature for our members in France – called “Direct”. Maybe you’re not in the mood to decide, or you’re new and finding your way around, or you just want to be surprised by something new and different.

“Direct” is a web-based experience that’s the same for everyone who watches it: a real-time service that gives our members in France some of the best French and European content on the service – from Family Business to La Casa de PapelThe Crown to Unorthodox. Instead of choosing what to watch, you just want to start watching. 

We’ll begin with a small number of members on November 5, 2020 – and roll it out to all our members in France by the beginning of December. To access it, go to from a web browser, log in at, click on the “Direct” button at the top right of the page … and lean back and enjoy!

Honestly, the idea isn’t all that bad as it may seem. It could drive users towards shows that they otherwise wouldn’t have even bothered with, since just watching it while it’s on gives at least something of an excuse to try it out.

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There probably aren’t any hard plans to expand Direct outside of France right now, but who knows…

Source: PC Mag

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