Netflix Plans To Get Into Gaming, Hires Ex EA, Facebook Exec To Lead Game Development


Please stop with the game streaming.

Netflix wants a piece of that sweet, sweet gaming pie. Per Bloomberg, they’ve hired former EA and Facebook Gaming executive Mike Verdu to that end. Verdu will be the vice president of game development, and will head up the department dedicated to games development for the streaming giant.

At EA, Verdu handled the company’s mobile offerings, working with franchises like Plants vs. Zombies and SimCity. At Facebook, he handled bringing games and developers into the Oculus VR ecosystem.

As for the grand scheme of these plans, Netflix is keeping that under wraps. Whether it’s to be a wholly original endeavor, or merely bringing development of games based on their properties in-house is anyone’s guess. More importantly, there’s the matter of distribution; their streaming platform is fairly sizeable, but game streaming requires something somewhat more robust than the standard devices their application runs on. It seems that’s the plan, and it may become something of an albatross; it has been for others in the past. It might have been wiser to stick to more traditional publishing methods… but they’re not thinking about that, are they?

Source: IGN

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