The service in now expanding their offerings once again with the addition of comic books. Today Scribed announced that it will be offering unlimited access to more than 10,000 comic books from major comic book publishers, including Marvel, Archie, and Valiant. As part of their standard $8.99 monthly fee, Scribd users will be able to access comic books ranging from classic Spider-Man and Avengers stories to the more modern My Little Pony fare. You’ll also be able to access a number of major graphic novels to the mix as well.
For $8.99 the Scribd service was already a steal for serious readers, but with the addition of comic books it really becomes a great value. For someone that buys comic books on a weekly basis (a minimum of $20 a week) Scribd is clearly the way to go. This move also opens up the service to a new area of readers that may have passed on the service before.